Fix-well Technology prioritizes social responsibilities such as human rights and ethics, aiming for sustainable corporate development. Upholding the spirit of integrity, we establish corporate sustainability policies and ethical codes of conduct. We adhere to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization's Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, respecting and safeguarding the rights of employees.
Beyond implementation within the company's policies, we expect adherence from new ventures, suppliers, outsourced partners, distributors, agents, contractors, and other contracted collaborators or clients.
Key aspects of our labor rights policy are:
- Elimination of forced labor, refraining from employing involuntary, enslaved, or trafficked labor.
- Implementation of measures to protect children, prohibiting the employment of underage workers below legal age requirements.
- Provision of fair wages and working hours complying with legal regulations to create a conducive employment environment.
- Strict prohibition of any form of harassment, abuse, exploitation, or threat, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.
- Non-discrimination based on age, race, social class, nationality, religious beliefs, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliations in recruitment, promotions, performance evaluations, etc.
- Respect for employees' freedom of association, allowing them to seek labor representation and participate in various peaceful assemblies for their rights.
As for our business ethics policy:
- Prohibition of any and all forms of unethical behavior including corruption, bribery, collusion, extortion, and similar acts. Monitoring and establishing procedures to ensure compliance with the requirements of ethical conduct.
- To maintain fair trade, advertising, and competition, Fix-well Technology adheres to antitrust laws to eliminate improper business practices such as monopolistic behavior, and engages in appropriate advertising and competitive behavior for market promotion.
- Disclosure of information regarding the company's business activities, status, and operational performance following legal regulations and industry practices.
- Emphasis on intellectual property rights, respecting both self and others' innovative ideas and concepts.
- Encouraging and providing diverse channels for stakeholders to offer suggestions and feedback, committing to protect those providing suggestions and preventing any improper retaliatory actions.
- Evaluation and scrutiny of material sources during the procurement process, ensuring minerals are not sourced from conflict areas involving non-state armed groups, illegal entities, or highly risky zones.
- Adherence to regulations concerning privacy and information security when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, and sharing personal information of all stakeholders involved in business transactions, maintaining confidentiality of personal data for all involved parties in business dealings.
Eugene Huang, Chairman